Power Pages, Overview for Portals developers

Hi folks, as you already know we have Power Pages in Power Platform, and as a Portal developer I would like to share some things that I found interesting.

Edit more than 1 WebSite at a time

You can edit more than 1 site at the same time, this is a great feature because in the previous version when you install a Portal from PowerApps you can only edit one at a time. If you are familiar with Portal Metadata it's like edit each Website separately.

Additionally, another advantage of this functionality is that if you have more than 1 developer working on the same page, you can duplicate your site and use it like branches. 

Choose between different templates or from Scratch

These are good news for functional or citizen developers because you can choose to begin your project between different templates. This option wasn't before, it was the same template for all new Portals.

Also, you can see a preview of how the site will look on desktop and mobile devices.

Portal Edition

The way to edit the Portal from the Power Page app is similar to the previous version, but with some interesting differences, f.e. the Edit Code option, this will open basically the customizations that you can do to a webpage like CSS, Custom JS, and HTML (on Content Page record). It's interesting because the editor doesn't need to be familiar with Portal Metadata at all.

One disadvantage that I found is that when I tried to change the logo image it didn't change immediately. I mean a new image. So to see these changes immediately maybe will be a good idea to create the image records previously on Web Files metadata.

Edit Site Palette

The way to edit the Site colors is really intuitive, You can change the colors right there and all the font styles you want. Also, you can change buttons, links, and section styles.

But if you need to customize or add other elements that are not available in Power Pages you can always come back to the Portal Management XD


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