Customizing your Portal from VS Code using OSX

STEP 1 Go to extensions and Install Power Platform tools on your Visual Studio Code

STEP 3 On VS Code, open a new terminal

STEP 4 Write the following line on the terminal to authenticate your environment
sudo pac auth create -u [Dataverse URL]

STEP 5 Identify your website record with the following command: sudo pac paportal list

STEP 6 Download website content: sudo pac paportal download --path / -id [WebSiteId-GUID]
Once the website is downloaded, you will see a successful message on the terminal and all the Portal data display on your VS project. 


STEP 7 You can edit the files directly here and update them on the portal from the Terminal, for example, I will update a Content Snippet to change the size of the logo image

STEP 8 So I will do an update on my Content Snippet file to change the company icon size.

If you have issues writing files on your visual studio code project, execute the next line on the terminal
sudo chmod -R 777 <project_dir_name>

to find your project's direct name: find / -name [Folder name]

STEP 9 Once I did the change on the file, I will Upload it to CRM using the next command:
pac paportal upload --path monsterinc---monsterinc

STEP 10 Finally, review the Portal to verify your changes 🙌

Well Done!


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